About Us

Mission Statement

“Providing the best quality, customised services for the people we support”

John Curtin Aged Care is a community operated aged care organisation that provides a welcoming environment with a unique, person centred approach. Our mission is to provide responsive care for the ageing people in Creswick and District in a respectful and compassionate manner.

Vision Statement

“Real choice and real inclusion for All”

John Curtin Aged Care provides innovative, specialised support to members of Creswick and District’s ageing community members whilst striving to remain an employer of choice. John Curtin Aged Care aims to remain the premier aged care provider of the region whilst providing our residents with a warm, friendly home.

We Value

We have one very important value at John Curtin Aged Care and that is to be resident-focused in all of our planning and activities. We demonstrate this value through:

Client focus:

People as partners driving their service and support model


Striving to do our best and continually seeking to improve on what we do


Treating all people with respect and dignity

Collaborative Relationships:

Working together to achieve better outcomes

Ongoing Learning:

Skilled and empowered staff delivering quality services


  • John Curtin employs adequate numbers of qualified and supported staff and provides them with the support and training they may need to feel valued in our community.
  • John Curtin aims to make a difference in staff, residents, and the communities lives. Ensuring that everything we do enhances the connections we build both inside and outside of John Curtin Aged Care.
  • John Curtin is a vibrant community partner, participating in meaningful ways, for the greater good of Creswick and District
  • John Curtin aims to ensure we are a strong and sustainable organisation for years to come.

Philosophy of Care

  • Equality of access
  • High quality relevant service delivery
  • Ageing in place, adjusting our care to resident needs
  • Commitment to quality – constantly seeking ways to deliver better services
  • Respecting and promoting diversity, embracing people of differing cultures, religions and lifestyles
  • A learning organisation, where staff are encouraged and supported to continually develop their skills and abilities
  • Supporting and enhancing social relationships and personal interests through individualised and group activities
  • Maintenance of skills and ability through appropriate diet, hydration, exercise and care
  • We strive to provide a welcoming environment to residents, families, friends and visitors. The care of residents is designed to maintain their quality of life and to ensure they can live with dignity and privacy in a supportive setting.


Please contact us to discuss your individual residential care needs on a no-obligation basis.


More Information:

How to access Aged Care presentaion FORUM 25